Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

By A Mystery Man Writer

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Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

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Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Irenebrination: Notes on Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology: October 2016

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

What's in your pill? What about theirs?

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Moschino's New Pill-Themed Fashion Collection Offends, Trivializes Illness

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley – HERO

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

San Francisco 2017, Day 4 - Billy's Cities

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Psychedelic 60s Graphic Design History

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

A Brief History of Pharmacopoeias

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Angels and demons': the politics of psychoactive drugs

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

The Placebo Effect, by JBSPDF

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology


Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

When The Suit Doesn't Fit and Digital Numbers Do Not Convert into Real Numbers - Irenebrination: Notes on Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Public Health Museum - Thorazine, the first antipsychotic drug, started being used in the U.S. in 1954. It was helpful in the treatment of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and advertisements boasted

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Refusing the Here—Now: An Afrofuturist Period Room and Black Fugitivity in the Undercommons at Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

Moschino pill-themed fashion collection slated for 'glamorising addiction

Pills, Thrills & (Lots of) Bellyaches: Moschino S/S 17 (With A Brief  History of the Pharmacopoeia Trend) - Irenebrination: Notes on  Architecture, Art, Fashion, Fashion Law, Science & Technology

The Placebo Effect, by JBSPDF